Olivia Kang obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from the University of Calgary in 2020 and has specialized in Surgical Urology/General Surgery for the past four years.
Olivia’s interest in medical aesthetics and skincare isn’t just a passing phase. Olivia blended this passion with her love of nursing. Cue the drumroll… this led her to become a certified Nurse Injector in 2022! She did not stop at that step; she interned and sharpened her skills with some of Calgary’s most notable injectors. She has been bringing her A-game ever since.
Safety and comfort? Check. Olivia’s top priorities are her clients and delivering the best results for their features. Her gentle and calm approach? That’s her secret weapon. But don’t mistake her serene vibe as a passive fawn. Olivia assertively takes charge of treatment plans that perfectly align with her client’s goals.
Allow us to introduce another side of Ms. Olivia! Behind her calm and gentle demeanour lies a bit of a fashionista and social butterfly. It seems she modestly omitted this little detail in her interview… wink, wink! Olivia manages a fun Instagram account where she showcases her latest fashion endeavours. A regular at music festivals, she’s also an avid foodie, always on the hunt for the newest culinary hotspots and chic cocktail lounges in the city.